So sestrou sme si našli kamošky z Fann parfumérie. Sú krásne a úžasné. Vyznajú sa vo svojej robotke, dobre poradia a povedia, čo je nové. Preto keď som doma z intráku, Fannko je naša povinná zástavka. Posledne sme ich boli omrknúť v stredu a neodišla som naprázdno. Kúpila som Collistar rúž. Najprv som z neho nebola nadšená, preferujem skôr červené, ružové farby a toto je môj prvý nude hnedý, ale teraz neľutujem. Je fantastický. Väčšina rúžov mi vysúša pery, tento práve naopak. Pery boli hladké a vláčne. Stojí za to, veď je to Collistar!
Okrem rúžu som kúpila vajíčko z Oriflamu s Ko-Ko-So-vou vôňou. Ou mňam. Aj keď preferujem tyčinkové balzamy, kvôli tomu, že si nemusíte špinavými prstami nanášať balzam, vajíčko je klasika a kokosové som musela mať.
With my sister we have met new friends in Fann perfumery. They are beautiful and amazing. They know well in their work, can give good advice and say to us, what's new. When I am home from college, Fann is our obliged stop. Recently we visited them last Wednesday and I didn't leave empty handed. I bought Collistar lipstick. At first I wasn't so excited about it, I prefer red or pink colors, this is my first nude brown color lipstick, but I don't regret. It's fantastic. Most of lispticks make my lips dry, this one not. My lips were soft. The lipstick is really worth buying.
Except lipstick I bought lipbalm from Oriflame with coconut smell. Oh yummy. I prefer lipbalm in sticks, because you don't have to use dirty fingers to put lipbalm on lips, but this lipbalm is such a classic and these coconut one I have to buy.
With my sister we have met new friends in Fann perfumery. They are beautiful and amazing. They know well in their work, can give good advice and say to us, what's new. When I am home from college, Fann is our obliged stop. Recently we visited them last Wednesday and I didn't leave empty handed. I bought Collistar lipstick. At first I wasn't so excited about it, I prefer red or pink colors, this is my first nude brown color lipstick, but I don't regret. It's fantastic. Most of lispticks make my lips dry, this one not. My lips were soft. The lipstick is really worth buying.
Except lipstick I bought lipbalm from Oriflame with coconut smell. Oh yummy. I prefer lipbalm in sticks, because you don't have to use dirty fingers to put lipbalm on lips, but this lipbalm is such a classic and these coconut one I have to buy.
love this colour!
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Patchwork à Porter
ááá ten je krásny ... i to balenie